Silver Lake Auto & Tire Centers

How to Avoid Needing a Tow Truck This Winter: Tips and Tricks

How to Avoid Needing a Tow Truck This Winter: Tips and Tricks

Hi there, Delafield residents and everyone in Waukesha County! Winter is beautiful with its snow-covered landscapes, but it can be tough on drivers. No one wants to wait for a tow truck near you. Remember, the key to safe winter driving is preparation and caution. So, let's go over some tips and tricks to help you avoid needing towing service this winter.

Keep Your Car in Top Shape:

Regular maintenance is key. Before winter hits, get your car checked. Ensure the battery is strong, the brakes are in good condition, and your heater works. The snow and ice pile up quickly in Delafield. You don't want to take any chances.

Use Winter Tires:

Winter tires are designed for cold weather and snowy conditions. They have special treads that provide better traction than regular tires. This can make a big difference in preventing sliding and losing control on icy roads. Our parent organization, Silver Lake Auto & Tire Centers, can help with new tires.

Careful Driving:

This might seem obvious, but it's super important. Slow down in snowy or icy conditions. Avoid sudden stops and starts, as these can cause sliding. And always keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.

Pack a Winter Emergency Kit:

In case you do get stuck, it's good to be prepared. Pack a kit with blankets, extra warm clothing, food and water, a flashlight, a first-aid kit, and anything else you might need if you have to wait for help.

Learn Winter Driving Techniques:

If you're not experienced with driving in snow, it might be worth learning some winter driving techniques. Practice in a safe, open area to get the hang of how your car handles in the snow.

Plan Your Route:

Before heading out, check the weather and traffic reports. Stick to main roads as much as possible, as these are more likely to be plowed and salted.

Keep Your Windshield Clear:

Make sure your windshield wipers are in good shape and you have plenty of windshield washer fluid. Visibility is key in winter driving.

Know What to Do If You Get Stuck:

If you do get stuck, don't panic. Stay with your car and call (262) 567-4131 for help. It's safer to wait inside your car than to try to walk for help, especially in cold weather.

We’re Here to Serve You and Your Vehicle!

Service Bay

Don't let car issues slow you down. Find your nearest Silver Lake Auto & Tire Centers in Waukesha County and schedule your appointment today with our ASE Certified Technicians. We'll make sure your vehicle runs smoothly and safely. 

Need a tow? Silver Lake Towing & Recovery is your reliable towing and roadside assistance company, 24/7, 365 days a year. Call 
(262) 567-4131 for immediate assistance!

Service Bay

We're Here to Serve You and Your Vehicle!

Don't let car issues slow you down. Find your nearest Silver Lake Auto & Tire Centers in Waukesha County and schedule your appointment today with our ASE Certified Technicians. We'll make sure your vehicle runs smoothly and safely. 

Need a tow? Silver Lake Towing & Recovery is your reliable towing and roadside assistance company, 24/7, 365 days a year. Call 
(262) 567-4131 for immediate assistance!

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